Case Study

As Agency of Record for Parlor Social Club, DTE studio was responsible for refreshing and elevating its branding, designing a custom app experience for members, marketing strategy and the brand's overall creative direction across all touchpoints.

A red and black photo showing a round whiskey glass that casts a dramatic shadow.

Branding & Design

DTE studio provided creative direction on the new branding, design and development for Parlor an online social club that allows users VIP access to events, restaurants and exclusive meetups in real life.

Teaser Website

In anticipation of the launch of the Parlor app, DTE studio developed a teaser website experience that yielded record membership signups. A playful, fun interactive landing page and fully responsive mobile design.

Custom App & Member Portal

Parlor Social Club members use the app custom designed by DTE studio to access to VIP events, visit exclusive destinations, restaurants, special events and connect with fellow members both online and in real life.

Integrated UX/UI

Post-launch DTE studio continues to collaborate with the Parlor Social Club internal team to modify, make updates and develop the UX/UI to optimize new features and customer engagement.

8 iPhones grouped together showing different screens of the Parlor App user experience.

Advertising & User Acquisition

DTE studio provides Creative Direction, Strategy, Design and Messaging for Parlor's digital advertising campaigns and marketing destinations used in A/B testing.

Advertising campaign for Parlor shown across 4 iPhones. Each phone has a strong photographic image and a single word describing Parlor.
Header from Parlor Social Club's website with large text that says Culture. It features a close crop of a woman's face on a magazine cover and sunglasses over the magazine. The background is a blurred version of that same photo, becoming only a wash of pink and gray.

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